Archive for the ‘ ubuntu 12.04 LTS ’ Category

Creating Hudson job with Subversion project

Subversion repository create, checkout, add files and commit

The commands used in this video and also some other commands:
1. svnadmin create svnproject
2. svn co file:///home/greenhorn/workspace/svn/svnproject svnproject_copy
3. svn status
4. svn add –force *
5. svn commit -m “Added message.”
6. svn info
7. svn update

Installing nodejs in Ubuntu 12 04 LTS

Some of the commands used in the video above:
1.sudo apt-get update
2.sudo apt-get install nodejs
3.node -v
4.sudo apt-get install npm
5.npm -v
6.mkdir nodejs nodejs
8.Next is to test nodejs.

> var a=1;
> a;
> global.a;

What is Node.js Exactly? – a beginners introduction to Nodejs

Clone and create new branch in mercurial repository

1. Clonning a new repository from an existing “repoA”.

$ hg clone /home/greenhorn/Desktop/repoA repoAClone

2. Navigate to repoAClone directory.

$ cd repoAClone

3. Checking the current selected branch. Now the default selected branch is “defaultBranchA”.
$ hg branch

4. Check for available branches. There is only one branch. That is “defaultBranchA”.

$ hg branches
defaultBranchA                      0:687109c1f672

5. Creating new branch called “newBranchB”.

$ hg branch “newBranchB”
marked working directory as branch newBranchB
(branches are permanent and global, did you want a bookmark?)

6. Commiting the added new branch to local repository.

$ hg commit -m “Added new branch”

7. Checking the available branches. Now there are 2 branches. The branches are “defaultBranchA” and “newBranchB”.

$ hg branches
newBranchB                  1:01a2b3f96797
defaultBranchA                  0:687109c1f672 (inactive)

8. Pushing newly created branch to remote repository. Once before in differenct scenario, I tried “hg push -f”. Which worked as well.

$ hg push –new-branch
pushing to /home/greenhorn/Desktop/repoA
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 0 changes to 0 files

9. Checking the currently selected branch. Which is now “newBranchB”.

$ hg branch

10. Changing current branch to “defaultBranchA”.

$ hg update -r defaultBranchA
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

11. Checking the currently selected branch. Which is now “defaultBranchA”.

$ hg branch

12. End.

Right click open to open in terminal option for ubuntu


Webservice client 1: Java Class in Java SE Application

This post is a continuation of the previous post:
Test and add method to webservice


Test and add method to webservice

This post works based on a previous post:
Simple webservice with maven 3.0.3, Netbeans 7.3.1 and Glassfish 4

The content of the video
1. How to test a webservice?
2. How to change the context root in glassfish 4?
3. Adding feature to the existing webservice.


Simple webservice with maven 3.0.3, Netbeans 7.3.1 and Glassfish 4


Installing glassfish4 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Glassfish4 requires java 7 to be installed on the Ubuntu. If you haven’t installed java 7 already, then the Glassfish4 installation will fail.

Installation directory used was:

To start, from installation directory in a terminal:
sh bin/asadmin start-domain

To stop, from installation directory in a terminal:
sh bin/asadmin stop-domain


Installing Netbeans 7.4 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS