Getting started with Drools 6.5.0 Final

Followed the instruction from link

The used update url is:

Creating directory with name starting with “.” in Windows 10

Expected result:

– Successfully creating directory called .p2

Adding bootstrap to angular4 project

The command prompt command to install bootstrap to your project:

npm install --save bootstrap

Edit your .angular-cli.json file to have the below highlight line in the “styles” section:

"styles": [

The sample project can be cloned from: out-of-box-project

CORS Support in Spring Boot

project used: cors-enabled-spring-boot-testing

Spring Boot custom banner

Using Spring Boot without the parent POM

Things needed in your pom.xml

1. dependency management

                <!-- Import dependency management from Spring Boot -->

2. Spring Boot Maven Plugin



  1. using-boot-maven-without-a-parent
  2. build-tool-plugins-include-maven-plugin

Used project:source-code

MSSQL jdbc driver for maven project

Below is the jdbc driver dependency necessary to work with MSSQL database in a maven project.


Use of the ABOVE fails with BELOW error in my project:

 Could not find artifact in central ( 

To fix this, I added the below repository in my pom.xml:

      <name>Clojars Repository</name>

Starting / Shutting down mongodb on CentOS 7

mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf

use admin;
db.shutdownServer({timeoutSecs: 60});

to verify:
ps -ef | grep mongo

Spring boot ActiveMQ queue producer and listener

project used: queue-test

Basic authentication on Apache ActiveMQ

Below is the snippet of configuration which was used in the video to change the password:

             <authenticationUser username="admin" password="password1"